Wait, What? Episode 96

Wait, What? show

Summary: Episode 96 has arrived and Graeme McMillan and Jeff Lester talk up a freaking storm for two hours and twenty minutes, with the first discussion of comics hitting with no preamble chitchat whatsoever. Blame it on the rain, blame it on Rio, but most especially blame it on Howard Chaykin and Black Kiss 2, true believer, because they are most definitely at fault. Other topics include Earth Two and the second wave of DC's New 52 books, Hawkeye #1 and Avengers Vs. X-Men #9; a long talk about scrutiny, self-scrutiny and Mark Waid's opinion of Newarama; Richard Stark's Parker: The Score by Darwin Cooke; Donald Goines' Daddy Cool by Donald Glut and Alfredo Alcala; and Action Comics #12 by Grant Morrison, three pencillers, and four inkers. As always, we hope you enjoy and thanks for listening!