Episode 4: The Poisoned Chalice by Brian Stableford

ClonePod show

Summary: (http://fc02.deviantart.com/fs23/f/2007/342/f/5/The_Poisoned_Chalice_by_kayngi.jpg) Illustration by Kayngi - www.kayngi.deviantart.com (http://www.kayngi.deviantart.com/) Read by Bruce McDonald PG for low level violence Originally appeared in Fantasy Gone Wrong edited by Martin H. Greenberg and Brittiany A. Koren You can find out more about the author at http://freespace.virgin.net/diri.gini/brian.htm (http://freespace.virgin.net/diri.gini/brian.htm) WORLD'S EDGE 4 miles said the relevant arm of the signpost. At least, that's what it said now. The 4 replaced a scratched-out 5, which had replaced a scratched-out six, and so on to 10. There had been other numbers before that, but someone had repainted the sign some years ago to make way for a new set....