Anything Ghost Show #177 - The Conjuring of a Drunken Spirit, An Eerie Visit from the Easter Bunny...and more! show

Summary: Show List for #177: 1. Anonymous (Iowa, U.S.) – Evil Entity in the Church 2. Heather (Lancaster, Texas) – An Eerie Visit from the Easter Bunny 3. Silvia (Germany) – You are Only a Dream 4. David (Prince Albert Saskatchewan, Canada) – The Conjuring of a Drunken Spirit 5. Please support our advertiser: 6. Liz (Chicago, Illinois) – A Visit from the Graveyard Across the Street 7. Naryan (Columbus, Ohio) – A Haunted 1898 Ohio Home 8. Miranda (Iowa, U.S.) – The Man 9. Diane (Yangebup, Western Australia) – A Talking Doll, Noises in the Kitchen, Footsteps on the Ceiling…a Haunted Western Australia Home. 10. Richard (U.S.) - An Interplanetary Travel Experience Links for #177: Anything Ghost Discount on Audible: Hi-Fructose contemporary art magazine -