Politics of Freedom Update - July 13th thru July 19th

Ron Paul 2012 Podcast show

Summary: <br> <br> Neo-Confederate. Isolationist. Conspiracy Theorist. That’s <br> all the statist establishment has got: pejoratives meant to stifle debate and <br> artificially limit the parameters of the national dialogue. As if we must <br> accept their officially sanctioned version of history, and draw the same <br> conclusions we were taught in grade school from now into eternity. Both parties <br> are currently attempting to beat back the surge in popularity of libertarian thought <br> over the last several years. In light of the recent verdict in the <br> Zimmerman/Treyvon Martin case, the progressive media and the Obama <br> administration are deliberately picking at the scabs of bigotry in an attempt <br> to synthetically manufacture a new civil rights movement to champion. As the so <br> called Immigration Reform stalls in the ‘People’s House,’ Jack Hunter’s well <br> known public persona (the southern avenger) has been ‘exposed’ by the neocons, coincidentally <br> as Lynn Cheney and that fat POS Peter King prepare their runs for high office. The liberty <br> movement’s 2012 gains within the GOP are in the process of being turned back in <br> Maine, Alaska, and Nevada. Activism is on the decline, as is financial support <br> for efforts such as Ben Swann’s Truth in <br> Media Project. This doesn’t bode well for Rand in 2016- support should be <br> growing and consolidating, not retreating! Links to the original media sources <br> are included in the file description; included audio can be heard in the order <br> listed below: <br> <br> <br> (0:00) CIA whistleblower Susan Lindauer joins Joyce Riley on <br> <a href="http://www.thepowerhour.com/past_shows/schedule_07_08_2013.htm">The Power Hour</a> to discuss her experience as a U.S. Intelligence Asset. (7/8) <br> <br> (42:44) What Freedoms Do We Have? Attorney Raymond Daniel <br> Burke joined The C4 Show on <a href="http://www.wbal.com/article/101110/37/template-story/What-Freedoms-Do-We-Have">WBAL 1090 AM</a> (Baltimore, MD) to talk about his piece in the Baltimore Sun last <br> week: After 150 years, the union is preserved, <br> but what of liberty? (7/8) <br> <br> (59:53) From Freedom Fest 2013– Michael &amp; John Paul <br> Mendocha on <a href="http://www.the405radio.net/freedom-fest-michael-john-paul-mendocha-its-a-paul-world/">The 405 Radio podcast</a> – It’s a Paul World! (7/12) <br> <br> (1:11:22) Michael Hastings Cremated, Family Never Requested; <br> Wife Hires Private Investigator. Kimberly Dvorak reports for <a href="http://www.sandiego6.com/story/hastings-investigation-20130714">XETV San Diego 6</a> (CW – San Diego, CA). (7/14) <br> <br> (1:14:34) Ron Paul Homeschool Curriculum:  A Sample by <a href="http://www.tomwoods.com/blog/ron-paul-homeschool-curriculum-a-sample/">Dr. Tom Woods</a> Western Civilization I. (7/15) <br> <br> (1:17:48) Erosion of Private Property Rights - <a href="http://www.jbs.org/home/erosion-of-private-property-rights">JBS</a> CEO <br> Art Thompson's with his weekly news update. (7/15) <br> <br> (1:29:07) What's Wrong With Being Proud of Your Southern <br> Heritage? <a href="https://www.mikechurch.com/founders-television/whats-wrong-with-being-proud-of-your-southern-heritage-apparently-everything-now-days/">Mike Church</a> discusses the demonization of Jack Hunter. (7/16) <br> <br> (1:34:41) Commission Needed to Reconsider Gold Standard - <br> Sen. Rand Paul with <a href="http://www.kitco.com/news/video/show/FreedomFest-2013/371/2013-07-16/Commission-Needed-to-Reconsider-Gold-Standard-Sen-Rand-Paul">Kitco News’</a> Daniela Cambone. (7/16) <br> <br> (1:36:47) 'Department of Political Justice' Investigating <br> Zimmerman for Hate Crime! <a href="http://foxnewsinsider.com/2013/07/16/judge-napolitano-analyzes-doj-hate-crime-investigation-zimmerman">Fox News’</a> Judge Andrew Napolitano analyses the federal response to the jury’s