Politics of Freedom Update - July 20th thru July 26th

Ron Paul 2012 Podcast show

Summary: <br> <br> There’s no doubt that the current superstar of the liberty <br> movement is none other than Congressman Justin Amash, as he nearly led the <br> House of Representatives to defund the NSA! The final vote was 205-217. Now, we <br> all know that the amendment to the 2014 Defense Appropriations bill would have <br> been killed in the Senate, but this development proves that the politicians are <br> aware of the people’s wrath in light of the Snowden revelations. Ultimately, it <br> was the Republican leadership who protected the NSA this time. This must remind <br> us that the GOP establishment is no more an ally than the Obama administration. <br>  If you listen to Rep. Amash speak, you’ll <br> hear that he takes many of his rhetorical cues from Sen. Paul, rather than Ron <br> Paul. Yet, he has clearly proven himself as a competent representative and a <br> defender of liberty.  Elsewhere, Rand <br> Paul has come under attack from another likely 2016 candidate- Gov. Chris <br> Christie. This debate goes on, and I think its notable to point out that Glenn <br> Beck has come out on most every occasion to defend libertarian thought against <br> attack. This is an area where Ron Paul was severely underrepresented during the <br> campaign. Thank you Glenn! Links to the original media sources are included in <br> the file description; included audio can be heard in the order listed below: <br> <br> <br> (0:00) ‘Live Free or Die’ featuring Ron Paul. Performed by <br> ‘Denali’ from the album, “Topic of Discussion”. Music Video Directed by Todd J. <br> Lajoie for Operation Paul Revere, <a href="http://www.infowars.com/paulrevere/music/denali-live-free-or-die-ft-ron-paul/">InfoWars.com</a> <br> Contest. <br> <br> (4:08) Pres. Obama a Face for "Government of <br> Wolves" – N3’s Gary Franchi interviews John Whitehead, founder and <br> President of The Rutherford Institute. (7/11) <br> <br> (27:07) David Knight interviews independent journalist David <br> Seaman about running for office, and the illustrative case being the Ron Paul <br> 2012 campaign for <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BXKhwHMpQyc">Alex Jones’</a> Infowars Nightly News. <br> (7/16) <br> <br> (41:38) <a href="http://newsfixnow.com/2013/07/22/ron-paul-launches-his-own-tv-channel/">Newsfix</a>: <br> Ron Paul launches his own TV channel. (7/19) <br> <br> (42:29) Creating a U.S.-Russian Partnership to Deter <br> Terrorism - Art Thompson covers the week’s news for <a href="http://www.jbs.org/home/creating-a-u-s-russian-partnership-to-deter-terrorism">The John Birch Society</a>. (7/22) <br> <br> (53:07) <a href="http://www.paul.senate.gov/?p=video&amp;id=898">Sen. Rand Paul</a> Speaks at Veterans of Foreign Wars 144th National Convention in <br> Louisville, KY. (7/22) <br> <br> (1:11:15) Jack Hunter Resigns - <a href="http://www.nbcnews.com/id/26315908/#52549280">MSNBC’s</a> Rachel Maddow <br> implies: If you’re not for amnesty, you’re racist! (7/22) <br> <br> (1:28:22) <a href="http://www.mikechurch.com/founders-television/be-careful-what-you-say-in-american-politics-especially-if-you-are-pigmentally-challenged/">Mike Church</a>: Be Careful What You Say in American Politics... Especially if You <br> Are Pigmentally Challenged. (7/23) <br> <br> (1:34:36) Judge Napolitano's Take on <a href="http://foxnewsinsider.com/2013/07/23/judge-napolitano-jesse-venturas-lawsuit-against-chris-kyle-going-forward">FNC’s</a> <br> Fox &amp; Friends: Jesse Ventura's <br> Lawsuit Against Chris Kyle Moves Forward. (7/23) <br> <br> (1:38:09) The Militarization Of America’s Police Forces – <br> Radley Balko talks about his new book on <a href="http://www.kera.org/2013/07/23/the-militarization-of-americas-police-forces/">KERA 90.1 FM</a> (NPR – Dallas, TX). (7/23) <br> <br> (2:24:07) Michigan congressman aims to defund NSA <br> surveillance program. <a href=""></a>