GI Show 165: Microsoft's Indie Reversal, Shadowrun, Shin Megami Tensei

The Game Informer Show show

Summary: Another week, another reversal of an Xbox One policy. This time, Microsoft is relenting and making the console more open to indie development. We also talk about two great new RPGs. First up, Game Informer's news editor Mike Futter calls in from New Jersey and joins host Matt Helgeson and editor Matt Bertz to discuss the latest Microsoft course correction. Mike and Matt Bertz broke this story on the Internet and discuss what it means for indie development on Xbox One – and how it might affect the long-term outlook on the console. Batting second is Matt Miller, who is here to talk about his review of Shadowrun Returns. It's one of the first high profile Kickstarter games to be released, and should please fans of old-school '90s RPGs. In the final segment, Game Informer's resident JRPG fanatic Kim Wallace makes an all-too-rare appearance on the GI Show to talk about Shin Megami Tensei IV, the latest in the daring series. Kim was impressed by the game's challenging combat and philosophical bent. It's definitely not your run of the mill JRPG. Listen in to find out why you should give it a try. (Please visit the site to view this media)