Prepper Recon Podcast- Steve Gorman Interview

Prepper Recon Podcast show

Summary: Prepper Recon Podcast- Interview with Steve Gorman of Patriot K9 Services. Today's guest on the Prepper Recon Podcast is Steve Gorman of Patriot K9 Services. Patriot K9 Services trains German Shepards and Dutch Shepards for explosives detection and personal protection.  Patriot Dog K9 Services worked with the US military in Afghanistan and Iraq training dogs and their handlers to find Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs). The dogs keen sense of smell allows them to find explosive materials that would not be easily detectable by other means. The dogs trained by Patriot K9 Services found several tons of explosive materials. This resulted in many lives being saved from a catastrophic end. Click the play button below to listen to today's podcast   Click Here to Download Today's Podcast   Patriot K9 Services Now, this same level of expertise and training that has been available only to the military is available for your home or  prepper group. Personal protection or explosives detection dogs are also available to domestic law enforcement agencies. As Steve points out in the interview, a home protection dog is very sensitive to sounds and disturbances even when they are asleep. For preppers, a retreat dog is ever vigilant and not dependent on electricity as many types of alarms. They will also free up time that would other wise be spent standing guard for other chores like gardening, cooking or cutting wood. There are several advantages to have a  personal protection dog in addition to firearms home defense. We  discuss how unlike a gun, a personal protection dog is safe to have around children. Currently, dogs are not regulated like guns. And, if you don't wake up when an intruder enters your home, the gun won't do you any good. The video below shows Bender, a German Shepard that is currently completing his training at Patriot K9 Services and is available to purchase now. Visit Patriot Dog K9 Services to find out more about purchasing a dog for your home or retreat protection today.   Bender Thanks for listening to this episode of The Prepper Recon Podcast. Keep up with all our new podcasts by liking us on Facebook and subscribe to our YouTube channel. You can link to all of our social media through the icons at the top right hand side of this page. Happy Prepping!