Center Line Soccer Radio: Episode 18

Backheel Master Podcast Feed show

Summary: “We love Busch!” chants a sold-out Buck Shaw Stadium crowd — and the three intrepid roundtablers on Center Line Soccer Radio — as the MLS Castrol Index numero uno player of the week Jon Busch leads the San Jose Earthquakes to an important 1-0 victory over the Seattle Sounders. The reports of the Quakes demise are very premature, as with another 13 wins in a row, San Jose is in the playoffs! Let Robert Jonas, Joe Nuxoll, and Lyndsay Radnedge lead you on a lengthy journey of Quakes news and views on Episode 18 of the CLS Radio roundtable. Want to give your take on the show? Let us know what you think at and on Twitter @CLSroundtable. Also, check out the Center Line Soccer Facebook page, and be sure to give the show a like. Thanks again for listening!