MSM-90-Digital Learning-Get_those_1's_and_0's_in_order!

Middle School Matters show

Summary: Jokes: I’m failing geometry because I refuse to believe that pie are squared. The school board decided to remove speech and debate from the course schedule; there was no argument. Today in Art class we were going to paint a nude model, but the teacher sent her to the office for violating dress code. How does a blind skydiver know they're nearing the ground? The leash goes slack . . . From the Twitterverse: * DigMo Anyone interested in the competition, slow to get started this one :( very easy too iStopMotion 2 would appreciate it * kentmanning Just blogged about one of those "teacher moments" in a busy week. We've all had them. Looking forward to more. * bruingeek No, Honey. With the GPS we don't have to ask directions. And NO, GPS is not the acronym for General Purpose Shopping. *blondejoke* * zemote RT @tvanderark How will digital learning replace print? Here's 7 (sic) change forces * russeltarr How to Green Screen Using iMovie '09: * stevehargadon New Weebly for education is awesome. Great for both teachers & students to building their own web presence. * russeltarr Creativity in the Classroom, Innovation in the Workplace (by @sirkenrobinson): * russeltarr 70 Authors to Follow on Twitter (good for literature students?): (Note: mostly for you, some for your students.) * eduinnovation PLC that confuses talk for action, confuses meeting for getting results, confuses time together for benefiting students.....just confused. * russeltarr Formal Education will make you a living; Self education will make you a fortune. Jim Rohn. * jonbecker Standby efforts failed. Gonna be at JFK for a few hours. Keep me company? * stevehargadon RT @jonmott Great summary of DoE meta-study concluding that online learners perform better than others. * AngelaMaiers "Habitudes" of Professional Learning Communities Great stuff from @eduinnovation On Our Mind: Clocks. Is it necessary to know how to read an analog clock? MEAPs coming up, state mandated testing. Do you put the pressure on or do you soft-shoe it into the testing period? DropBox Advisory: Return to the overview: During the first month of school have every student take a piece of string and place one end under their shoe then stretch the string so it reaches the top of their head. Cut the string and fold it up. Place a piece of masking tape with the student’s name around the folded piece of string. Put all of the strings into a bag and do not open it until the last week of school. Then have them take their string and see how much they have grown over the last year. Many of your students will be amazed at how much they have grown. A way to show what adolescents stand for is to have them outline their foot and then list all of the things they believe in inside the outline. October is MOYA! Webspotlight: Educon 21 at the Science Leadership Academy in Philadelphia, PA. Stumbleupon (or in Troy's universe: VUE 3.0- The Visual Understanding Environment (VUE) is an Open Source project based at Tufts University. The VUE project is focused on creating flexible tools for managing and integrating digital resources in support of teaching, learning and research. VUE provides a flexible visual environment for structuring, presenting, and sharing digital information. News: Govt talks about teacher effectiveness. Online learning expanding but slowing down.