MSM-166 Tons of Advisory Ideas-Measurement and more

Middle School Matters show

Summary: Jokes You Can Use: A man was checking into a hotel when he saw a golden retriever sitting on a rug near the hotel elevator. Talking to the man behind the desk, he asked, "Does your dog bite?" The attendant said, "No, he doesn't." But as the man let his hand down to pat the dog, it bit his hand and held on so tightly that the man had to throw him across the room. Returning to the desk, the man said, "I thought you said that your dog didn't bite." He directed the attendant's attention to the dog, who now had returned to the rug. The attendant simply answered, "My friend that is NOT my dog." TEACHER: Desmond, your composition on "My Dog" is exactly the same as your brother's. Did you copy his? DESMOND: No, teacher, it's the same dog! Q: What do you call a woman that knows where her husband is 24/7? A: A WIDOW!!!!! Eileen Award Tami Readinger, Thanks for the Twitter Follow! Advisory: Create a Unit of Measurement: “We recently discussed a few unusual units of measurement, including the Wheaton (500,000 Twitter followers) and the milliHelen (the quantity of beauty required to launch a single ship). On the chalkboard of made-up measurements, there’s still plenty of room. So let’s invent some new ones! Your fake units can measure anything: height, weight, time, the amount of energy required to do something, whatever. We’ll award a copy of Split Decision to the person who coins our favorite new unit, and we’ll have other prizes for three runners-up. We’ll also start casually using your term in conversation. This might take off.” Kinestic Challenge You don't have to be at a desk but you must be sitting. While sitting at your desk make clockwise circles with your right foot. While doing this, draw the number " 6 " in the air with your right hand. Your foot will change direction. Middle School Science Minute by Dave Bydlowski (k12science or NASA Explorer School Program, since Shawn was asking about it on the last show. NASA has changed the way they do these NES Schools, so it is much easier to participate. Check it out at: From the Twitterverse: News: Textbook Pilot Strategy of the Week: Addressing Bullying Tips for Using Project Based Learning to Teach Math Standards Resources: National Jukebox Anne Frank Virtual Tour Good Reads Makes Good Readers Yong Zhao Learning Famed Educational Expositor has a website with links to videos of his presentations on various educational topics. Web Spotlight: Book Writing Across More Classes, Videos Make the Grade Film students aren't the only ones producing videos for homework these days. 20 Questions That Will Make You a Better Person Excellent students of life take the time to answer good questions. Sit down with a piece of paper and play twenty questions with yourself. Events & Happenings: Calendar of Events: