MSM-173-BYOD Solve the Debt

Middle School Matters show

Summary: Jokes You Can Use: On Our Mind: RIM buys JayCut for the PlayBook. Eileen Award: BuzzGarwood (twitter) Advisory: Visualization of the United States National Debt. From the Twitterverse: Don’t forget to join the conversation on MiddleTalk and Twitter at #midleved this Friday at 8:00 pm EST. News: Atlanta Cheating Resources: Bill McBride Timer Tab Online Timer, Alarm & Stopwatch. Keeps time on a tab in your browser. Pic4Learning Web Spotlight: Lino Online stickies. ISTE 2011: BYOD Bring Your Own Device Led by Scott Meech References: How Paul R. Woods got it in his district: Install wireless first. Students can bring in their own machines, but they must allow the school to put their proxies on their machines. If kids try to get around it, the network locks their screen and they have to see the building tech person to get it unlocked again. How did you get teachers on board? First year: bring your device in and allow our techs to look at it. Following years: pick an electronic textbook. The school bought the licensing for all the books on all the devices. The best way to get teachers involved is to let the kids use it and then let them ask the teachers that don't use it if they can use it in their classroom. BYOD is a better way to sustain a 1 to 1 program. District provided computers are an unsustainable way to provide tech. Find schools that are doing this successfully and then go to the IT department. Get administrators on your side before going to IT department. There is some risk going forward: 3-2-1 Rule: Save in 3 different spots. Create a safe place to fail in to create buy-in with your staff/admin/tech. Cloud storage for $1.00 per year. @paulrwood on Twitter.!/paulrwood Website: Related: Scott McLeod ( UCEA Center for the Advanced Study of Technology Leadership in Education (CASTLE) ISTE 2011: Professional Development led by Liz Davis Events & Happenings: Calendar of Events: