2012 AT Section Hike Journal #22 (5/21/2012)

Appalachian Trail Backpacking show

Summary: This is day 22 of my 2012 AT Section Hike. Here is the podcast. Began this day at Morgan Stewart and hiked to Wiley Shelter. Jim hiked with me again today. Below is the link to the podcast.2012 AT Sect Hike Day 22That's Kirk Sinclair sitting in the Morgan Stewart Shelter and as you can see Okie is on her favorite place---the picnic table.I'm not sure what Jim is doing here but he's smiling.Nice photo of Okie and Jim crossing this beautiful river.Having lunch with Kirk, his wife and daughter along with Jim and I. We played leapfrog with them for several times this day. There was a storm blowing in so we cut our lunch short. This is Nuclear Lake, don't ask me how they got that name. It's another beautiful mountain lake.We crossed some open fields and got this photo.This walkway went for 0.4 miles to the train stop.Jim and Okie at the trail stop. This is called the Appalachian Trail RR Station. The train stops here on the weekends.Okie and me at the train stop. This is where we said goodbye to Jim--it was good to see Jim and we had a good hike together.