Survival and Beyond - July 17, 2013

Survival and Beyond - show

Summary: In this installment of Survival and Beyond, I take a look at the methods that the ruling power structure has used to keep us divided, distracted and so busy fighting each other that we don't notice who the real enemy is. From religion, to race, to partisan politics; and the tools that the media uses to direct our thoughts and control our emotions. I discuss the power of symbols, archetypes and images, as well as the use of neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) and subliminal influence to bypass our conscious, critical filters and turn us into impulse-driven zombies. Starting with the centuries-old, blood-drenched agenda of the Vatican, to the origins of the "New Age" movement, right up to the media manipulation in the George Zimmerman case, these tactics of manipulation have been known by the power elite and used for centuries to keep us enslaved. I also talk about the escalating GeoEngineering insanity (Chemtrails. HAARP, etc.) which is trashing the planet while they lay the blame on us!