Download Free Chapter of New Book, Live Life With No Regrets

Wheel of Life Podcast: Business|Productivity|Accountability show

Summary: Today you are receiving something very special. You will be given information at the end of this podcast to download a chapter of my brand new book, Live Life with No Regrets; How the Choices We Make Impact ourLlives. There is no charge to you when you do this. I hope you get value from reading just one chapter. Imagine reflecting on your past, from any point in your long, happy life, and having no regrets. How did you get here? How would you like to free yourself of past regrets and live a life where you have no regrets ever again? What would have to happen from this point going forward for you to live a life of no regrets? That’s why I wrote this book. To help you choose to create the future you really want. Regrets are a waste of time anyway, as you can’t change the past. So, let go of the past and decide to choose to live your life in a way where you will have no regrets from this day forward. Living a life with no regrets doesn’t mean perfection. It means you know how to make the right choice every time, a choice that you will not regret. You think about the impact and outcome of a decision and know you can comfortably live with the choice you make. We don’t know the future. We only can make decisions based on what we do know at the present time. Is a successful and happy life with few or no regrets a choice…? Is success a choice or a chance collision of various uncontrollable factors? In studying self-improvement, we learn that we can’t change others, nor can we single-handedly change the world. However, we do have the power to change our own lives. We are living a life we chose, based on the decisions we made in the past and will make into the future. This is the single most important message in self-improvement. You do not have to settle for what you think is life’s “role” for you. You are not doomed to live a life you are unhappy living. You are not obligated to do what others think you should do. Any and all of these self-limiting beliefs can be overcome. You have the power to look for another job and make a positive change in your career. You have the power to seek out higher education to follow a different career path. You have the ability to define success for yourself and the capacity to achieve that pinnacle of success by working smart and exercising perseverance. Success is a choice that comes from being intentional about living your life with the highest probability of achieving your goals so you can enjoy what is most important to you. Success comes from choosing to live your life with purpose. This is how you live a life with no regrets. You make your own choices. The choices you make will impact your life – positively or negatively, depending on the path you choose. Choose to live your life with no regrets from this day forward. You choose how and where to live. If you are unhappy with any part of your life, choose to change it – and start today. If what you are currently doing doesn’t serve you, you can choose to change it right now. When we change how we look at things, the things we look at change. You can choose to start by taking “baby” steps. Start by having a day without regrets. How about a business trip where you don’t have any regrets? What would a vacation without regrets look like and feel like? What would have to happen to have an argument or “touchy” conversation with your spouse or child without regrets? How would you have a conversation with a client you don’t enjoy and not have any regrets? How would you communicate with employees who may not be working to your expectations and not have any regrets? Could you have a day of making everyday business decisions and personal choices without any regrets? What would a day without regrets look like and feel like? What would a week of no regrets look like and feel like? What would a month of no regrets look like and feel like? Keep reading... New Book: Live Life with No Regrets – Download a Chap