Computer America - June 25, 2013

Computer America show

Summary: Computer AmericaHour one:  Razoo is like a Kickstarter for Charities.  Razoo is a movement of people who want to make generosity a part of everyday life.  Generosity is win-win. Not only does it make the world a better place, it also makes us happy and fulfilled - especially when we give to the people and causes we care about most.  On Razoo, you can set up a fundraiser for a charity of your choice. There are no setup fees and no monthly subscription fees.  Or you can raise money as a team on Razoo. Or simply help others spread the word about their cause.NOTE: Due to technical difficulties, we lost the first 10 minutes of the show.  But don't worry, all of the important information is there for your listening enjoyment!  Hour two: Craig and Ben do Computer and Technology News and answer your computer questions!