
Blendover show

Summary: Blendover Episode Twenty Eight: We know. We're tired of the overcoverage of the Zimmerman thing too. So for this week's Blendover, we decided to shake it up a bit: We briefly touch on NSA drama, but follow up our Mandela Watch, while Microsoft reorganizes in light of criticisms. As promised we follow-up on the Lac-Mégantic Derailment and Explosion in Canada. Blendover is happily "verdictless" this week, and we hope you come along for the ride. Topics Discussed: The NSA Snowden Drama Mandela Microsoft Boston Strangler Radiohead vs. Spotify Explosions and the Clockwork Connections American Dog Gay Marriage Abercrombie & Fitch Ban Black As I Lie Dying – Tim Lambesis Case Doctor Who Gay Bans In Russia BlendoveR is a fun, hard-hitting pod-cast where rules are regularly thrown out the window in favor of honest, open commentating opinions.  Presented by Greg Davies (cGt2099 from, and Terr Ciavarra (Media Nox from, we stray on to any topic that presents itself or wanders off onto its own tangent.     The NSA Snowden Drama Before Edward Snowden: “Sexual deviates” and the NSA - When the last major defection hit the NSA, the government smeared the leakers as gay. New documents show they lied... Edward Snowden emerges, wants asylum in Russia Foto Forensics comparison Glenn Greenwald Explains Edward Snowden's Doomsday Insurance If He's Captured Or Killed Snowden is more distraction than traitor - NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden is being used to distract Americans from the truth behind spying allegations Snowden's third week in Moscow airport TIL Obama accidentally wrote "NSA" instead of "NASA" on a trillion dollar check and didn't realize his mistake until Edward Snowden pointed it out to him over a year later Venezuela offers Snowden asylum Why is Snowden still trapped?     Mandela 46664 Desmond Tutu urges Nelson Mandela's family to end feud I learned that courage was not the absence... Mandela very much alive, grandson says Morgan Freeman in support of Nelson Mandela Day Nelson Mandela Centre of Memory Nelson Mandela Day Nelson Mandela in a 'vegetative state' Nelson Mandela Life Support Shut Down as Respected Humanitarian Dies Age 94? Nelson Mandela on life support, court documents show Nonstop Tribute To Nelson Mandela Pledge for Mandela Day South African government denies Mandela is 'vegetative'     Microsoft IGN News : Xbox One Cracks Down On Cheaters and Trash Talkers Microsoft is pitching the Xbox One as a business product, says it's an affordable option for small businesses that need a video conferencing and networking platform Microsoft no longer charges developers to patch Xbox 360 games New XBOX ONE’S ANTI-TROLL REPUTATION SYSTEM Details "One Microsoft": Ballmer Finally Announces "Far-Reaching Realignment" Why Microsoft's Reorganization Is Not About Technology Why We Can No Longer Trust Microsoft. If the NSA is spying on Microsoft products, why would anyone want to use them (especially European/foreign governments)? Xbox One will be capable of scanning QR codes with its Kinect sensor Xbox removing Microsoft points     Boston Strangler Albert DeSalvo, The Boston Strangler, is in the news for a possible DNA match linking last victim Body of alleged Boston Strangler, Albert DeSalvo, to be exhumed for DNA tests Boston Strangler Case Solved 50 Years Later DNA test links Boston Strangler suspect to last victim Wikipedia: Boston Strangler     Radiohead vs. Spotify Thom Yorke & Nigel Godrich pull their music from Spotify, criticize its business model Thom Yorke pulls albums from Spotify     Explosions and the Clockwork Connections Canadian authorities have found evidence that a train that crashed in Lac-Megantic, Quebec, was tampered with