#60: Q&A on Criticism, Evolutionary Psychology, Taxes, and More (20 February 2011)

Philosophy In Action Podcast (MP3) show

Summary: In this 20 February 2011 episode of Philosophy in Action Radio, Philosopher Dr. Diana Brickell discussed helpful criticism of others, evolutionary psychology, cheating on work questionnaires, cheating on taxes, government secrets, bribing government officials, and more. * Introduction (0:00) * Question 1: Helpful Criticism of Others (4:29) * Question 2: Evolutionary Psychology (13:48) * Question 3: Cheating on Work Questionnaires (24:34) * Question 4: Cheating on Taxes (31:35) * Conclusion (59:19) For more from Dr. Diana Brickell on the application rational principles to the challenges of real life, visit Philosophy in Action: http://www.PhilosophyInAction.com