#153: Interview of Jason Stotts on Mistakes Couples Make about Sex (1 August 2012)

Philosophy In Action Podcast (MP3) show

Summary: In this 1 August 2012 episode of Philosophy in Action Radio, philosopher Dr. Diana Brickell interviewed Jason Stotts about "Mistakes Couples Make about Sex." Topics discussed include: * The basics of a healthy romantic relationship * The role of sex in a romantic relationship * Common problem #1: mind-reading * Common problem #2: altruistic sex * Common problem #3: lack of variety * Common problem #4: isolating sex from the rest of the relationship * How to deal with problems in your romantic relationship * The effect of religion on a person's sexuality * The moral dimensions of sex * "50 Shades of Grey * Passivity in dating * The importance of a good romantic relationship. For more from Dr. Diana Brickell on the application rational principles to the challenges of real life, visit Philosophy in Action: http://www.PhilosophyInAction.com