#158: Q&A on Voting Strategy, Selfish Parenting, Bigotry, and More (26 August 2012)

Philosophy In Action Podcast (MP3) show

Summary: In this 26 August 2012 episode of Philosophy in Action Radio, Philosopher Dr. Diana Brickell discussed voting for third-party candidates, self-interest in parenting, bigotry against religion, and more. * Introduction (0:00) * Question 1: Voting for Third-Party Candidates (5:42) * Question 2: Self-Interest in Parenting (44:12) * Question 3: Bigotry Against Religion (54:11) * Rapid Fire Questions (1:05:31) * Conclusion (1:09:34) For more from Dr. Diana Brickell on the application rational principles to the challenges of real life, visit Philosophy in Action: http://www.PhilosophyInAction.com