EMS Safety Programs or "Lets Be Careful Out There"

EMS Office Hours show

Summary: As EMS providers we get a lot of training on many topics. Cardiac, pharmacology, IV skills, airway management etc. But what about training on keeping us safe and preventing injuries. I mean beyond a handbook, OSHA video or a gentle, "Be safe out there". Should EMS agencies offer their paramedics and EMTs real formal training on driving the ambulance, lifting patients and situational awareness? Wouldn't training like this not only prevent injuries, but also save on the financial end in lost wages, ambulance repairs and insurance. Maybe even prevent the ending of an EMS career too early. Join us for some thoughts on this and bring us how your agency trains or doesn't train you in safety. ===== This episode is sponsored by EMS Manager. Sign up now for a free trial of their employee scheduling and management software by clicking here. http://EMSManager.net