Carol Morgan: Social Media 3.0

be intrepid. show

Summary: [Reading this on email? Click here to listen now!] Thrilled to welcome my good friend Carol Morgan to the show. She joined me to talk about her latest book: Social Media 3.0: It's Easier Than You Think. Key takeaways from our conversation: 1. The book contains how-tos for beginners, but also new ideas for the more advanced practitioners. 2. A discussion around mobile and the panda/penguin Google updates, and what they mean to you. "Google is everyone's home page..." 3. "You need fresh, unique content for the search engines...that YOU write. And blogging is the number one way to achieve this." 4. Continued focus on better engagement with seasoned networks like Facebook and Twitter. 5. The right and wrong of Facebook advertising, and how to leverage those buys to increase engagement. Plus, the power of Facebook's precision targeting capabilities. 6. Are photographs content? And why Pinterest, Tumblr, Houzz, and Instagram matter. 7. Social media as customer outreach vehicle. 8. Klout: the good, the bad, and the ugly. Learn more about Carol Morgan's book, and you can find Carol's book here (affiliate link): ### To hear from other intrepid souls like Carol Morgan, please subscribe to my podcast on iTunes. And, leaving a review and customer rating would be appreciated as well! This is episode 93.