Infendo Radio: Top 25 Games of all time Edition finale!

Infendo Radio | Nintendo Podcast show

Summary: Finally your Infendo Radio Top 25 Games of all Time has been revealed! We debated. We laughed. We cried. But mostly we had a good time talking about what everybody loves, video games.<br> <br> If you are interested in seeing the final list before listing to the podcast, hit the jump below to unveil our selections. I hope everyone enjoys listening to the show as much as we enjoyed recording it!<br> <br> If you want to be a part of the show, hit us up at with your podcast questions. Hope you enjoy the show!<br> <br> iTunes feed<br> <br> Radio Feed<br> <br> Hit the jump the the full to 25 list!<br> <br> The Legend of Zelda: Link to the Past<br> Super Metroid<br> Super Mario Bros. 3<br> Metroid Prime<br> The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time<br> Pokemon Red/Blue<br> Super Smash Bros. Melee<br> Fantasy III (VI)<br> Chrono Trigger<br> Super Mario Galaxy 2<br> Goldeneye 007<br> Secret of Mana-SNES<br> Resident Evil 4<br> Eternal Darkness: Sanity’s Requiem<br> Earthbound<br> Zelda: The Wind Waker<br> Zelda: Majora’s Mask<br> Final Fantasy NES<br> Illusion of Gaia<br> Street Fighter 2<br> Donkey Kong Country Returns<br> Golden Sun<br> Advance Wars<br> Clash At Demonhead<br> Mega Man X