270 / Future Nuggets / Ion & Camil

Test Pressing Podcast show

Summary: Future Nuggets is a group of Romanian producers, diggers and musicians who have joined together with the hope of creating a local Psychedelic scene. In their own words, a scene “informed by the past but made for the times to come”. A scene with the aim of uniting different people, sounds and cultures to produce amazing musical stories. The collective includes Andrei Dinescu, Eugen Imecs, Horatiu Serbanescu, Ion D, Bogdan Stoian, and Camil, who, in various permutations, produce music in bands with names like Anahoretil, Steaua De Mare, Australopitecus Oltensis, Delusion Men, Anatol, Ing. Coman, Concentration Band, Departamentul Zero, C-Side, The Nuggers, Manastiea Comana, and Porno Bob Underground. Music that ranges from the soundtrack and library-inspired to Punk and Garage Rock (http://testpressing.org/2012/09/reviews-promod-future-nuggets-sounds-of-the-unheard-from-romania-volume-one-ambassadors-reception/), and to ON-U Digidub infused with Free Jazz and Gypsy passion (http://testpressing.org/2013/05/reviews-promod-steau-de-mare-ambassadors-reception/). Musical styles that are all reflected here on two mixes from members Ion and Camil. Ion`s selection brings Turkish song, Black Sea Fusion, and Romany Funk that sounds like Airto`s more out there moments, or Lula Cortes. Orchestral Harry Roche big band library flashes of strings and brass, Psyche Swing suites, and a heavy Jean-Pierre Massiera influence. 70s Horror film soundtracks, werewolves on motorcycles, Hendrix and John Bonham undead. Attacks by alien fleets. Space talk scat. Bollywood rumble and Lowrider grind. Ballads and sleaze. Licks and lusting. Breaks from the Beastie Boy`s “Flute Thing” and the Jurassic 5. The groove of Irakere`s “Chekere Son”, Guru Guru and Gong`s “Esnuria”. Camil adds synth–twisted Spiritual Jazz, Klaus Wunderlich summer time smoke keys, Shugie Otis` drum machine and plenty of fuzz guitar. Bohannon`s Disco Stomp hijacked by cosmic Brigade Mondaine angels. Spaceman 3 doing Bo Diddley. Skater Metal. Fuck you heroes. The Pop of Carole King`s “Corazon”. ABBA with rolling Rs. End credit chase themes forged by a meeting of The Emperor Machine & Ash Ra, and Scott Walker broken bullfighter Mariachi blues. All impossibly excavated. I didn`t recognise a thing. (http://testpressing.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/270-FUTURE-NUGGETS.png) Ion / Download (http://testpressing.org/audio/270A_Future_Nuggets_Ion.mp3) Camil / Download (http://testpressing.org/audio/270B_Future_Nuggets_Camil.mp3) Future Nuggets on Soundcloud (https://soundcloud.com/future-nuggets).