Casey Kasem, KRLA, Color TV, and Bun-Busting Skateboards

The Baby Boomer Radio, TV, Movies, Magazines, Music, Comics, Fads, Toys, Fun, and More Show! show

Summary: Remember the fascination that was early color TV? On this episode of Galaxy Moonbeam Night Site, Smitty and Mike Z recall the early history of color TV. From the technology that made color pictures through the air possible, to some of the color programming itself which is so well-remembered. If you have memories of watching color TV shows in the late 50s and 60s, listen in and we'll talk about some of those shows. Next, Mike B salutes Casey Kasem, the legendary radio personality who has just recently celebrated his 80th birthday. We remember Casey's days as a Los Angeles radio personality and as a national celebrity with his syndicated programs and notable appearances in movies and television. Next, Mike B and George talk about bun-busting moves: roller skating and skateboards in the early days. Being able to roll along on skateboards, before they were commercially available, in the days when you would make your own out of an old pair of roller skates and a piece of scrap lumber. Also we recall the roller skating rinks of the past when you would gather with others to skate to organ or pre-recorded music. Our Retro-Commercials are for Prunes...yes Prunes. And another great Trans-World Airlines commercial. Jump on board with Galaxy Moonbeam Night Site!