Dog Days of Summer, Lucille Ball, and Queen Elizabeth!

The Baby Boomer Radio, TV, Movies, Magazines, Music, Comics, Fads, Toys, Fun, and More Show! show

Summary: It's the Dog Days of Summer here on Galaxy Moonbeam Night Site as Mike and Smitty recall all the fun things we did while on summer vacation after we got our fill of doing all of the normal things kids would do on summer break, such as riding bikes, running through sprinklers, or joining mom on a shopping trip. When your creative juices got going and you would take apart or dissect an old appliance, radio, or any other mechanical or electrical item and open it up to see what's inside and what made it work. This was also a great chance to use Dad's prize tools from the toolbox! In the days before multiple TV channels, cell phones, Ipods, and X-Boxes, kids activities centered around playing outside and oftentimes this would include coming across an abandoned item that could provide hours of fun while it was taken apart to see what made it tick. Lots of memories certain to evoke a few of your own. We also look back at the 60th anniversary of one of the best remembered episodes of "I Love Lucy", as well as the 60th anniversary of the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II. Our Retro-Commercial is with Tony the Tiger pitching those great Sugar Frosted Flakes, also celebrating their 60th anniversary this year. Tune in to Galaxy Moonbeam Night Site!