JFK and The 1962 Cuban Missle Crisis, Cartoons, and More!

The Baby Boomer Radio, TV, Movies, Magazines, Music, Comics, Fads, Toys, Fun, and More Show! show

Summary: We remember the 50th anniversary of the Cuban Missile Crisis on this edition of Galaxy Moonbeam Night Site. Smitty shares with us the chilling details from 50 years ago when the world came closer to a nuclear exchange than ever before or ever since. President Kennedy and Nikita Khrushchev were the principal players in this high-stakes situation that for 13 days hung in the balance. Thankfully, the situation was resolved positively, but the memories still linger. Mike B and George share their recollections of that time when they were children, and could sense something was not right. Next George fills us in on Prime-Time Animation, those cartoons that were not relegated to Saturday mornings, but could be seen in the evening hours. This provided entertainment not just for the kids, but for mom and dad as well. Such favorites as The Flintstones, Johnny Quest, and Clutch Cargo are recalled. Our Retro-Commercial is for Duz laundry detergent. Tune in and join us on Galaxy Moonbeam Night Site!