Thanksgiving Holiday Memories of Baby Boomers, and TV Test Patterns

The Baby Boomer Radio, TV, Movies, Magazines, Music, Comics, Fads, Toys, Fun, and More Show! show

Summary: As we enter the holiday season here on Galaxy Moonbeam Night Site, we remember the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade on this edition of our show. This yearly tradition heralds in the start of the holiday season, and has been a part of many baby boomer's lives. Remember Thanksgiving morning watching the parade on TV while enjoying the aroma of all the tasty holiday smells coming from the kitchen? The Galaxy Gang sure does! Listen in and hear about it. We also remember the days when TV stations would sign on in the morning and sign off late at night. This was before the stations broadcast 24 hours like they do now. We recall getting up early in the morning to watch the stations sign on the air, with the national anthem, devotional films, and jet planes flying. We watched all of this while waiting for the morning cartoons to come on! Just a part of the past that is no more. Our Retro-Commercial is for Instant Folger's Coffee. Tune in to Galaxy Moonbeam Night Site!