We Recall the History of Tarzan, Sinking of Andrea Doria, and the Oreo Cookie

The Baby Boomer Radio, TV, Movies, Magazines, Music, Comics, Fads, Toys, Fun, and More Show! show

Summary: On this episode of Galaxy Moonbeam Night Site, we mark the 100th anniversary of the Tarzan series of books, authored by Edgar Rice Burroughs. For many baby-boomers, Tarzan was a part of our growing up, whether following his adventures on films, comics, or television. George looks back at the history of the Tarzan franchise and gives us an overview of the many volumes published by Burroughs, as well as a look into the films and TV shows inspired by this character. Next, Mike Z recalls the sinking of the famous Italian liner, the Andrea Doria. On a foggy night in 1956, the Andrea Doria and the liner Stockholm collided, resulting in a historic at-sea rescue. It the modern era of radio and radar, it would seem impossible for a collision such as this to occur...but it did. Tune in to hear the dramatic story! Smitty and Mike note the 100th anniversary of the Oreo Cookie, a perennial snack that has been enjoyed by millions of people throughout its 100 years. And we also note the 50th anniversary of the Incredible Hulk, the angry, greenish humanoid who has been the subject of comic books, movies, and a well-remembered TV show. Our Retro-Commercials are for Oldsmobile, and of course, Oreo Cookies. Turn the volume up, and listen in to Galaxy Moonbeam Night Site, on the Galaxy Nostalgia Network!