Living Room TV Consoles, Our First Jobs, and Zenith Color Television

The Baby Boomer Radio, TV, Movies, Magazines, Music, Comics, Fads, Toys, Fun, and More Show! show

Summary: Remember when the family radio or TV console was housed in a beautiful, ornate piece of furniture? On this episode of Galaxy Moonbeam Night Site, we look back at these consoles as a major furniture piece in mid 20th century homes. Often times, these items defined the status of the family who owned them, as well as offering distinctive choices for people who wanted to house their electronics in elegant cabinets. If you had a nice piece of furniture such as this in your home, or knew someone who did, you'll want to listen in. Next, the Galaxy Good Guys look back at their first jobs. Whether it was being a handyman, pet-sitting, or working in a mattress factory, you'll hear how the Galaxy Guys first got their jobs many years ago. Certain to evoke memories of your first job as well. Our Retro-Commercial is for Zenith Color TV sets. Join us on Galaxy Moonbeam Night Site on the Galaxy Nostalgia Network!