
Blendover show

Summary: Blendover Episode Twenty Seven: While the mainstream media continues their Snowden sensationalism, Blendover instead turns to Canada, where there are major suspicions and questions over two major events there: the arrest of a couple accused of a terror plot in Victoria, and the derailment and explosion of an oil tanker train in Quebec. Both incidents are not getting the investigative coverage they should be getting, so we look into them in depth... Topics Discussed: The NSA Snowden Drama Wimbledon Liberator Canada Day Terror Plot Lac-Mégantic Derailment and Explosion Explosions and the Clockwork Connections Marilyn Manson Putin Gay Adoption Ban Moors Murders Claremont Serial Killer Doctor Who Xbox One Man Of Steel BlendoveR is a fun, hard-hitting pod-cast where rules are regularly thrown out the window in favor of honest, open commentating opinions.  Presented by Greg Davies (cGt2099 from, and Terr Ciavarra (Media Nox from, we stray on to any topic that presents itself or wanders off onto its own tangent.     The NSA Snowden Drama Australian government to assess PRISM impact Before Edward Snowden: “Sexual deviates” and the NSA - When the last major defection hit the NSA, the government smeared the leakers as gay. New documents show they lied... Edward Snowden: US surveillance 'not something I'm willing to live under' NSA, European intelligence agencies work closely together Snowden is more distraction than traitor - NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden is being used to distract Americans from the truth behind spying allegations Snowden reveals Australia's links to US spy web Snowden's third week in Moscow airport Venezuela offers Snowden asylum     Wimbledon Andy Murray wins Wimbledon Andy Murray beats Novak Djokovic to win Wimbledon Andy Murray deserves knighthood after Wimbledon - David Cameron Wikipedia: Andy Murray     Liberator Black Mask Studios Comic Review: Liberator #1 TFAW: Liberator #1 (of 4)     Canada Day Terror Plot Accused terror suspect struggled with mental health, former friends say Amanda Korody, John Nuttall: Mixed Reports of Canada Day Terror Suspects Anyone else a little pissed off that the media keeps reminding everyone that the Victoria terrorism conspirator was a fan of "death metal?" Canada Day plot suspects' friends mystified by allegations Canada Day Pressure Cooker Bomb Plot Straight Out Of FBI Field Guide To Drug Addict Terror Patsy's Canada Day terror plot investigation mirrors previous Canadian operations Canadian Police Stop Pressure Cooker Bomb Plot "Similar To The Bombs At The Boston Marathon" Canada's Terrorist Takedown Concerns About How Much Canadian "Police ENABLED" Canada Day Pressure Cooker Bomb Plotters How Canada Day terror suspect ‘with little sense of morals’ went from talented punk guitarist to alleged jihadist IN LEAGUE WITH SATAN John Nuttall and Amanda Korody: What we know about accused in terror plot Surrey couple accused of Canada Day terror plot to have their day in court Terror Plot Foiled in Canada Two charged in BC terror plot: Amanda Marie Korody and John Stewart Nuttall     Lac-Mégantic Derailment and Explosion Brakes had been disabled in fatal oil train crash Freight train carrying oil derails Huge explosion in Lac-Megantic, Quebec. The city literally on fire. Lac-Megantic train blast: Searchers comb rubble Wikipedia: Lac-Mégantic derailment     Explosions and the Clockwork Connections After West explosion, Texas may compile public database of hazardous chemical sites Clockwork enhances its technology in Enterprise Asset management by partnering with SAP Clockwork Solutions: Customers Joe Berti, Marathon Runner, Witnessed Both Boston Bombings And Texas Explosion