PATRICK RETTIG: He Helps Business Owners who Have no Hope!

Art of Joyful Living show

Summary: Patrick Rettig is often the last stop for a business owner in financial turmoil who may be looking at an empty bank account and possibly closing shop. The situation may look hopeless but not to Rettig. He knows that somewhere deep inside, their dreams are still alive. He understands the fears they live with and, most importantly, he knows how to help them not only face them but work through them. He has saved thousands of jobs and today, you’ll find out why!  Patrick is a soldier for his clients. He adheres to the letter of the law and is excruciatingly honest about what his clients must address to achieve their goals. His manner and technique is unorthodox, unruly and irreverent. He is a tireless defender of each business that he works with, and, in so doing he has saved hundreds of companies over the years. To learn more about Patrick and how you can work with him, visit his website at: