174: The Chaplains on . . . Suffering, Part 1

Mormon Matters show

Summary: When we meet someone who is suffering, whether physically or emotionally, we naturally want to be of service to them. Sometimes our fears overcome us, and we avoid opportunities we’re presented with to "bear one another’s burdens" or "mourn with those who mourn" (Mosiah 18:8-9) Other times we step in but viscerally feel our inadequacies. Sometimes we realize our good intentions have gone wrong, and we have said something or done something that has caused even greater pain. Sometimes this happens without our even realizing it. Even with its many challenges, we are all called to learn compassion, to be with each other even in extremity. How can we do this better? In this episode, we talk about all of these things and much more with three persons who are extremely experienced with providing care for those (and the families and friends of those) in great pain, mental or physical duress, as well as those dying: LDS military/hospice chaplains Phil McLemore, Nathan Kline, and Jason Unsworth.