Exclusive ET/Political Report Revealed

Starseed Radio Academy show

Summary: A Timely Report on ET/Politics. Starseeds don't miss this one! Lavandar reveals the secrets of ETs and Politics like you’ve probably never heard before. Ever wonder if your vote actually counts? Discover the inner workings of ET/Political/Government involvement concerning our political leaders, and who and why they are navigated by "higher powers" of ET heritage. What technology has advanced insuring the election of certain candidates? Lavandar will tell how the ET experiments concerning the 14 generation expiration date of 2012 will be highlighted by the selection of political offices, which have been assigned through the means of technological manipulation on several levels of tracking. She explains how 55 critical mass is part of the equation of the outcome of so many experiments, including the election process. For the first time, Lavandar will reveal the past life of President Ronald Reagan and Frank Sinatra while in Atlantis, and their connection in 1980. She’ll also give insights to the cloning of world leaders and why it is done as a safety measure. Please make sure to share this with your starseed friends!