The Pleiadeans Are Coming! Nov. 16, 17, 18, 19

Starseed Radio Academy show

Summary: November 16,17,18,19 are indeed Pleiadean Lineup and this translates into the timing of Pleiadean space craft arriving for a 3 day rendezvous with their Pleiadean offspring and experiments on the planet. It is has been one year since millions of Pleiadean walk-ins came to the planet to take on their hosts' human form while on their exalted mission to assist the planet and it's people to the next evolutionary jump that awaits just around the corner as 2012 is on the horizon of this timed event. Lavandar especially invites those listeners who have Pleiadean interest to please call in and communicate as this is the time to ask questions and be available for communications as the Extraterrestrial telephones lines are open now more than ever. If you have a comment or wish to know a specific detail about the comings and goings of the Pleiadeans, then now is the time to call in to the show. We'll announce the continuation of the mini-series called Crack Between The Worlds, so stay tuned for another exciting chapter. We'll have another "Belvalation" with our dear friend, Belva Bloomer, as she teaches about health concerns.