Kaayla Fox and Duane Miles: Coded Art Forms

Starseed Radio Academy show

Summary: Kaayla Fox and Duane Miles are a dynamic pair from Sedona whose spiritual, intuitive abilities are intertwined in healing, activational art forms.  Kaayla is best known as the creator of LightCircles Jewelry,  inspired from crop circles found around the world.  As she realized that she may have been receiving ET communication, the motivation for this work became evident.  After much research, documenting peoples' responses to her jewelry, she found those same responses had been recorded about people who had actually walked in a crop circle.  This led to her study of sacred geometry, quantum spirituality and the unified field of the human body. She co-founded an energetic technology called Crop Circle Energetics, using her LightCircle Medallions, laid on the body, to harmonize and uplift the entire system.  She has studied Matrix Energetics, is a graduate of Motherpeace Female Shamanic Healing Arts, California Certified Alchemical Hynotherapy, trained in Magnetic Therapy, a Reiki Master and is currently working on a book about the impact of crop circle energies on human consciousness. Duane Miles had an early start on his shamanic path when his missionary family moved onto Mojave and Navajo reservations to convert the Native people.  It was he who was converted, as he discovered his talent as an empath, spiritual intuitive and clairvoyant.  He had the opportunity to study with Native healers and learn a different perspective.  When he had several Crop Circle Energetics sessions, Kaayla introduced him to the Matrix Energetics, and it launched him into what he calls 'creative hyper-drive' where he sees frequencies as artistic images.   The stunning images he has created carry activational, mathematic codes which he calls "The Art of Frequency." www.cropcirclesjewelry.net www.cropcirclesinmotion.com www.artoffrequency.com www.duaneredwolf.com