Empowerment Keycodes/Lavandar + Author Roy Stemmann

Starseed Radio Academy show

Summary: At the top of the show, it's Starseed News with Anastasia, bringing current events of interest to starseed.  Then Lavandar shares one of the most powerful messages from the Vault titled, "Keycodes to Empowerment of Starseed." This one is so loaded that you may want to listen more than once. In the second half of the show, we have recorded an interview with Roy Stemman in England, whose newest work is "The Big Book of Reincarnation." He is an English investigative journalist specializing in most aspects of the paranormal.  His early investigations focused on the work of mediums, healers and the Spiritualist movement, while assistant editor of Psychic News, of which he is now chairman. He joined the Society for Psychical Research and broadened his interests to encompass parapsychology, in general, and reincarnation in particular. Roy edited his own magazine, Reincarnation International, for 7 years, but now focuses on writing books. His published works include books on spirit communication, healing, UFOs, Atlantis and reincarnation. He was a lead investigator in an hour long English television documentary, "Back From The Dead",  exploring past life memories among the Druze community. Roy has also contributed to many TV and radio programs and debates on past lives and after-life communications. He has a skeptical approach to all things paranormal, inspired by an interest in magic and conjuring from an early age, which taught him how easy it is to fool people with the simplest of tricks. But Roy has had personal experiences that have also convinced him of the reality of other realities. On his Blog (www.paranormalreview.com) Roy describes himself as a “skeptical believer”and this rational, scientific approach is very much in evidence in his latest book, "The Big Book of Reincarnation", available on amazon.