Reconnective Healing with Nancy Hertz

Starseed Radio Academy show

Summary: Nancy Hertz has been a closet healer and seeker all her life. Living a somewhat nomadic life has gifted her with a variety of experiences and insights into people, nature and our planet. Trained as an Optician, she helped people see, and look better than they did before. Trained in Reconnective Healing in particular, she helps people feel better, and see themselves and the world in a better light. She brings her own “juice” into each session, gifting the person with exactly what they need at that moment, physical or not, which continues after the session is completed. She creates a connection with God/Source/All That is. Reconnective Healing is quantum healing of Light, Love and Information, which are new frequencies to the people, but as old as the Universe. Nancy has done healing work throughout the world, working with Masters, Nature Spirits, soul family, whales and dolphins whenever she has been called to do so.  A true Starseed, Nancy has come into her own power at the right time, ready to assist others to help themselves in their own healing adventure.  “Allow me, to help you, help yourself”, is her motto. An accomplished Artist, specializing in Portraiture, Nancy also shows her insight of people and their essence, as she captures them into her paintings. Her business name, Amusing Arts, says it all. “We are here to live well, love, laugh and be well, not too seriously, but with amusement.” Her website is:   At the top of the show, it's the Starseed News Segment with Anastasia, bringing topics of interest to starseed and sharing emails from our listeners.   Happy New World! From the team at Starseed Radio Academy!