Jelladian Art + Starseeds Down Under

Starseed Radio Academy show

Summary: We have a double treat this week with two guests!  Patty French: Patty is an Arcturian starseed with strong connections to the Pleiades and Sirius, who lives in Australia. She has conscious memories of  many lifetimes from Egypt and Atlantis, and is committed to the Law of One.  A lightworker for many years and a trained counselor, she's worked with many healing modalities, now specialising in assistance and spiritual guidance for awakening Starseeds. It's her strong belief that Starseeds need support and information so they can fulfill their galactic mission. Her first book “Step Up Into Your Starseed Shoes – a Short Guide for Starseeds” is available at: Gloria Jelladian: The arts have been a big part of Gloria's life. And as a fine artist, her focus is to create light filled beauty that touches a heart. Her photography captures the essence of nature, people, and pets. Years of sculpting angels from manzanita wood advanced her communion and communication with her higher self and spirit, helping train her artistic eye in natural design and organic flowing movement. Working as a TV Make-up artist sharpened her eye for beauty, detail, and balance. Her comical 'Hot and Hairy' hairdressing novel  is her character study of human nature.  Feeling that art is a form of prayer, she goes in to that silent space until the quickening takes her to zero point. She infuses sacred divine light into her creations. Her website is: At the top of the show, it's the Starseed News segment with Anastasia, bringing topics of interest to starseed.