The Altar Billies on Swoop’s World Late Night

Swoop's World Radio show

Summary: On Wednesday July 3, 2013 at 8pm/PDT (10pm/CDT, 11pm/EDT) we are happy to welcome The Altar Billies calling in to Swoop’s World Late Night. The Altar Billies are a rockabilly/psychobilly trio that perform the music of the Altar Boys (A punk/rock group from the 80s and early 90s). Join us as we get to know these fellas and their music. Be a part of the conversation by joining in the chatroom or calling in. After our interview with The Altar Billies we’ll be up to all of our usual fun with Brewskis beer tasting segment, TBones Timeout, as well as our take on all topics, and any interesting news stories of the day. We’ll also be simulcast by AM1670 – Dewberry Jam Community Radio – San Antonio, TX. Swoop’s World Late Night is on Wednesday’s from 8pm/PDT – 11pm/PDT tune in at The Altar Billies Led by Altar Boys front man Mike Stand on geetar and vocals, the group has taken the music of the Altar Boys, stripped it down to its roots, put a twang to it, and a swing that will keep your toes a tapp'n and your fingers snapp'n. Rounding out the line up are Johnny X on upright and Chuck "Wagon" Cummings on the skins. Available for barn dances, hoedowns, revival meet'ns, as a closer, opener, and anything in between, whatever...... So ya'll give us a holler, and we'll come down yer way right lickity split. The first release by Altar Billies is a toe tapp’n hoot-of-holler collection of songs that is sure to put a smile on yer face and a swing in yer step. From the first cut, “Against the Grain,” to the final twang of “The One” this project has more musical twists and turns than the winding roads found on the west side of the Appalachians. Pinning down the exact sound of the Altar Billies is no easy chore: Is it country? Rockabilly? Or a combination of two specific genres that the “Billies” appropriately titled “punktry?” Well, maybe it’s all of the above and more. To be sure, whatever style they happen to “pick at” is not as important as the message they are trying to communicate to every ear that is willing to listen. The Altar Billies are proud to embrace a style of music with such a rich heritage, and fuse it with songs and a message that is as relevant today, as it’s ever been. So strap on yer spurs, pull up the reins, let out a big “Yeeeeee Hawwww” and keep your eyes fixed on the horizon. The Altar Billies are ride’n into town and they’re a “twang’n” and “rock’n” until the cows come home. Take a good look see at their music; it’s a swell sound’n bunch of clatter that you just might take a hankerin to. After our interview with The Altar Billies we’ll be up to all of our usual fun including “Brewskis” Beer Tasting sponsored by, sports talk, rants and more.