The Four Stages of Metamorphosis: Stage One

Pandora's Box with Kaleah show

Summary: In the first stage of metamorphosis we enter the chrysalis and dissolve our old form. This is a time of dismantling and coming apart where we have a tendency to resist the process, hold on to what was and invest an incredible amount of energy trying to keep the old form intact. We have not yet learned to surrender. The process can be deeply frightening and uncertain. It is in this stage we must realize that our life as a caterpillar is over and the only option available to us is to surrender to the process, let go and let God. It helps to know we are becoming something much greater than what we were, but it doesn’t feel great at all. It feels like a death! It is a death! Before there can be rebirth there must be death. In this episode of Pandora’s Box, Kaleah talks about the process of dying to what has outgrown its form.