July 2013 Preview w/ Rotten Tomatoes and Opening Box Office Predictions! Jurassic Park, Annie, TMNT, Taken 3, Hunger Games, and More

GeekScholars Movie News show

Summary: It's July 2013, and the GeekScholars Movie News podcast is ready to release its Rotten Tomatoes and Opening Weekend Box Office Predictions for all the biggest films coming out this month! Last month, Fox's analyses were the most spot-on, being only off by and average of +/- 7 points for every movie he predicted for its Rotten Tomatoes score. The July 2013 line-up: * The Lone Ranger * Despicable Me 2 * Pacific Rim * Grown Ups 2 * RED 2 * R.I.P.D. * Turbo * The Wolverine The GeekScholars also play a round of 'Thumbs Up/Thumbs Down' as they weigh in on some of the week's biggest film headlines, including: * Cameron Diaz in Annie * The possible plot of the next Jurassic Park movie * Liam Neeson returning for Taken 3 * Casting for The Shredder in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles * Captain Planet and Encyclopedia Brown movies and more!