Troll 2: Virtually Virtual

Troll in the Dungeon show

Summary: In this episode of Troll in the Dungeon Tracel and Partshark discuss exciting features being added in 5.4. Virtual Servers and the impact this will have on servers. FlexiRaid and why achievement junkies are rejoicing, and hardcore raiders are hellscreaming. Heirlooms are getting some love in 5.4 with heirloom enchants. We had a lot to say about the new Orgrimmar Raid. Our Alliance point of view of Garrosh. The Nightblade Compact Raid update. Partshark reveals his own awkward guild moment and how RP walk makes him angry. Tracel shows off his skills with a tongue twister. Too bad he cheated.. Please follow us on: Twitter Facebook Twitch Youtube Raw Link