Troll 3: O' Raider Where Art Thou?

Troll in the Dungeon show

Summary: Welcome to Episode 3 of Troll in the Dungeon! Tracel and Partshark discuss their week in WoW. What podcasts have we been listening to this week? Lowpop Wow and Horde House! News! Tracel updates us on his progression on the legendary questline. Should we expect a legendary item in 5.4? Or not expect it? Blizzard adds proving grounds to prove you're not stupid. Kidding! We're really excited to use this ourselves. Impressive Jimmy Fallon gives WoW podcasters some love in We're the World of Warcraft. Congress is trying to tax ingame transactions. What blizzard games are being affected? It's now summer and the new seasonal pet is available. What problems are players having with this? Adventures in Raiding. The Nightblade Compact Raid Update. Tracel's shares his favorite boss fight. The Twin Valkyrs Partshark prefers firefighter. Don't press what button? Fists of Furry! We give you tips on how to earn lesser charms easily with pet battles. We give you options for the best pets to make it even quicker. Spider & Onyxia Whelping is Partshark's deadly combo. He goes in depth sharing what abilties work best and when to use them We discuss the new Celestial scenario. Combining solo scenario with petbattles = Pet Tournament! Class Action Lawlsuit! Mistweaving healing vs Fist weaving healing Partshark prefers first weaving, but it's not as effective as mistweaving. He goes over his healing "rotation" and the differences between the two. Leap of Faith no longer requires you to face the person. Thank you Blizzard! Monks Ring of Peace gets a new visual effect. Will the bubble graphic now be an actual ring? WADE-A-MINUTE! Tracel shares how to be a better player. Use recount not just to track dps. Look at what abilities other people playing the same class are using. Do they use vampiric embrace more than you and have higher damage? Look where other people are standing. Paying attention is the key to being a better player. Talk to other people playing your class and pick their brain. Mail Bag! What features are we most excited for in 5.4? Please follow us on: Twitter Facebook Twitch Youtube Raw Link