Juan Manual Alonso - What can all nations learn from spanish sports medicine?

BJSM show

Summary: <p>Dr Juan Manual Alonso is a spanish sports physician and PhD with vast experience in track and field - six Summer Olympic Games just to start! He is the head of the IAAF (Athletics) where he had a global responsibility for antidoping (since 2003) and for guiding athlete care for all 200 countries in the Athletics Federation. He has recently begun working at Aspetar-Qatar Orthopaedic and Sports Medicine Hospital.</p><p>Jurdan Mendiguchia is a spanish physiotherapist with vast experience at home and in Italian football. He has published and lectured widely on rehabilitation with a focus on hamstring injuries. His 2012 BJSM editorial “Hamstring strain injuries: Are we heading in the right direction?” has had over 5,000 downloads http://tiny.cc/rgmrww. In this podcast he and Dr Alonso introduce the listeners to a multifactorial approach to managing hamstring strain.</p><p>Spanish speakers can listen to both Juan Manuel and Jurdan discussing sports medicine issues in detail in spanish here http://bit.ly/18FP3be.</p>