KTL Radio presents AFTER EARTH DECODED ft KT the Arch Degree

Know The Ledge Radio show

Summary: Know The Ledge Radio presents a monumental night of edutainment featuring the unprecedented genius of KT the Arch Degree. I don’t expect people who are so intoxicated by society to recognize and appreciate the execution of a rites of passage. I would like to pose 3 questions. 1) How often do we see films released with a Black Man and his Son? 2) How often do we see them in Honorable and respectable positions? 3) Lastly, how often do we see the son become a Strong Black Man? A very long time is the answer to all three of these questions. I am not sure about the average viewer but I notice there are not many choices for quality uplifting black films. The industry is saturated with cross-dressing overdramatized buffoonery. Here we have a film that addresses one of the most pertinent issues in our current day and that is the relationship between the Black man and his son. As a great people we are wayyyyy behind the eight ball and this is due to the effeminization and pacification of the Black man. A pacified Black man is the result of fear, which is then passed down through the generations. In this film fear is personified into a Monster so that the viewer may comprehend the unspoken truth that fear is a choice, it only exist in your mind and manifest when energy is invested in it. When one realizes this, they become ghost, invincible to all that fear embodies. In a system where fear and terror is packaged and sold ten for a dollar why would a film that exposes that fear is a creation of immature imagination be accepted by a host of critics who have no intention on the progress of our people? Anytime a form of Black Power emerges and makes itself to the screen the limited minds of genetic extinction congregate to boo the truth. But what else would you expect from the proverbial boogey man?