Daily Words of the Buddha for December 17, 2013

Daily Words of the Buddha show

Summary: Yo mātaraṃ pitaraṃ vā, jiṇṇakaṃ gatayobbanaṃ -- pahu santo na bharati taṃ parābhavato mukhaṃ. Listen Though being well-to-do, not to support father and mother who are old and past their youth -- this is a cause of one's downfall. Sutta Nipāta 1.98 View Pāli on Tipitaka.org Everyman's Ethics: Four Discourses by the Buddha (WH 14), translated by Narada Thera Book Details Pariyatti is a non-profit organization supported by purchases and contributions. http://store.pariyatti.org/donate.html -- Our monthly e-newsletter includes specials from time to time. You can subscribe at: www.pariyatti.org/ResourcesProjects/News/tabid/125/Default.aspx