Unscripted Radio Wednesday A show on Autism

the Unensored Radio podcast show

Summary: Do you know someone with Autism?  A Family struggling with a child with Autism?  Run out of Ideas?  Then you don’t want to miss this show!  Call in with your question and ask our specialists!   Having a child with Autism can be difficult.  There are so many people in pain trying to keep their heads above water while trying to cope with Autism in their families’ lives.  A lot of the information on the Internet is cure-focused, or just plain negative.  Here at ThrivingWithAutism.com, we too hope for a cure, but our main purpose it to help you with resources and strategies that will make things better RIGHT NOW. ThrivingWithAutism.com is a resource for families looking to discover the secrets to being successful and actually thriving with their children with Autism.  This collaborative effort helps provide families with options, resources, tips, guides and checklists in supporting their children diagnosed with an Autism Spectrum Disorder.  You don’t have do this alone!   Andrea Richardson is a mother of 2 and has a Bachelor’s Degree in Counseling. She is an Autism Specialist and Behavior Therapist who has worked with young children all the way through to adulthood in school, day treatment and residential settings for the last 17 years. She is also an Educational Advocate and a guest speaker at Boston University School of Law.  Her trainings and resources will give you a huge boost in THRIVING with Autism. Andrea Warner is a mother of 5 and has a Master’s degree in Special Education, with a Certification in Severe Disabilities.  In her career, she has worked with young children,  teens and adults diagnosed with autism.  She recognized early on that  of all the parents she worked with, parents of children with Autism seemed to be the most stressed out, and she wants to help you!