Jason Stirman and Medium: Betting that words still matter in the world

be intrepid. show

Summary: [Seeing this via email? Listen here] A real pleasure to welcome Jason Stirman of Medium to the show today. Medium is "a better place to read and write things that matter." You can learn more about it here. Why should you listen to this broadcast? 1. The increased need for quality ideas and stories online, on a platform that isn't necessarily faster and cheaper. 2. The steps being taken to keep the community pure and free from spammers, enabling the community to focus on putting out good content without distractions and noise. 3. The importance of the beautiful and simple design of Medium, and how it was built for the content creator. 4. Is Medium the future of journalism and magazine publishing? 5. Are we all creatives? Should we all be writing? "It does feel good to deliver something to the world...and the world is better when people do that." 6. Medium's goal? To get the ideas and stories that matter out to the world, to make it a better place. 7. Learn more about Jason Stirman here. ### To hear from other intrepid souls like Jason Stirman, please subscribe to my podcast on iTunes. And, leaving a review and customer rating would be appreciated as well! This is episode 91.