GGP 021 – Revolver Champion Annette Aysen

Gun Girl Radio | Firearms Show for the 2nd Amendment Woman, Women's Shooting Sports show

Summary: This week on Gun Girl Radio, Randi Rogers interviews the talented revolver shooter Annette Aysen of Team Smith and Wesson. Julie Golob wasn't able to make this one, but she will be back next show! Main Topic: Questions for Annette - How did you get into shooting? - First major win? - Discussions of ICORE vs. USPSA - Joining Team Smith and Wesson - Babes with Bullets Instructor - Winning, winning and more Winning! USPSA Revolver Nationals, ICORE, Sportsman's Team Challenge - What is sportsman's Team Challenge? - Shooting with husband Elliot. Fan Questions For Annette: Warren: Is there anything I can have done to my Ruger red hawk .44 mag. To make the trigger lighter and smoother? Nathan: Today, we have an age of heavy-hitting, high-capacity, and very reliable large and medium frame automatic. We also have a good selection of very thin, concealable, and accurate compact automatics, and in 9mm +P, they surely rival the venerable .38 Special for most purposes. Bearing this in mind, outside nostalgia, why should I choose a revolver? Ron: Conventional wisdom suggests a j-frame for a female shooter. What does Annette think about that decision specifically concerning the environment for purse carry, trigger pull weight and likelihood of continued practice. Earl: Can you ask her if she prefers to bob the hammer? Also, why does S&W almost completely rule? I hardly ever see anything else competing. Please feel free to post your questions in the comments below or send them to Tell us what you think and leave suggestions for future shows. We’d love to hear from you! Follow Randi Rogers and Julie Golob on Facebook and consider leaving us a review on iTunes. This episode of Gun Girl Radio was brought to you by… A Girl & A Gun Womens Shooting League –