Survival and Beyond - June 05, 2013

Survival and Beyond - show

Summary: This week on the show, I applaud the Success of March Against Monsanto and the outpouring of millions of people all over the world acting as a unified front against Monsanto and GM food. I also discuss simple ways we can all help take down this corporate abomination bent on controlling the world's food supply! I also talk about the Revolution that's going on RIGHT NOW and how we are all a part of it. You don't have to organize a protest or be a highly visible alternative media figure to take an active part in the Revolution. By knowing your natural rights, refusing to participate in the game, practicing peaceful non-compliance and civil disobedience, and not being a willing participant in your own subjugation you are joining the fight! I also talk about several easy lifestyle changes that we all can make to disconnect from the "system" and limit our vulnerability. The less you need from the government, the less control they have over you. I also talk about Bradley Manning, his heinous ordeal, including numerous blatant violations of his Constitutional rights and the miscarriage of justice that is the government's show trial.